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Security Guard and Patrols

One of the biggest and most important jobs as a security officer is conducting patrols. Patrols are done at almost every post that requires security. When a patrol is done there is many different types and ways to conduct them properly and safely. Here at Professional Security we teach our students the types, legalities, and use of equipment to ensure that when they get to their post, they are knowledgeable in terms of safety and unpredictably.

When a security officer conducts a proper patrol they will be random and never tour the same way twice in a row, why? The biggest reason is that security does not want a potential criminal to know when and where they will be at a certain time. Having a routine allows someone to monitor and schedule when to commit a crime! A guard should always change their route and when they will start and stop their patrol.

Patterns and timeliness will always be changing, but what about if it's inside compared to outside patrolling, does this make a huge difference? Of course it does, inside patrols usually have a light source as you patrol, even when it's night hours. Inside patrols will be conducting at different times and routes, but being inside makes the guard feel less vulnerable to outside sources. The guard will still check the same windows, locks, and doors as if patrolling an outside building, being vigilant for disruptions and issues which are irregular. Being inside does not mean that the officer should let their guard down to potential issues, actually they should be more aware because they do not always know what is going on outside. The officer should preform outside checks making sure that no one is wondering the property, damage has been done or vandalizing has been committed. Always carry a flashlight and be sure that a radio or phone is available for emergencies.

Where as, if the guard is only patrolling outside they most be aware of what is not only in front of them but also what is in the near distance. Outside patrols can be complicated for many reasons! The security officer must be knowledgeable of what is happening at all times as if they were doing an inside patrol but with vigilance of roads, pathways, cars, pedestrians,and outside nature. The officer must have a flashlight and radio on them that works at all times. Working outside, especially at night, an officer must know their perimeter, barriers, roads and walkways around the property. Knowing these things is not only for their safety but also for emergency situations. The last thing dispatch wants to hear in an emergency is "I'm not sure" to an important question.

Emergencies do happen, having the understanding and knowledge to preform the proper actions while on a patrol can save not only the security officers life, but the life of others. While on patrol is a situation arises where services are needed, knowing roads and where you are located is extremely important. As an officer, it is up to you to know these things, and keeping a log of changes in your environment can also help in the long run. Your notes on construction zones, side jogs or short cuts can help emergency services get to your location in a quicker action when needed. But, knowing these things can also help you on a patrol to watch for potential criminals, or watch suspicious activity from a distance without being seen!

#Professional #Security Institute trains our students how to conduct proper patrols with practice walks, book work and training videos. We will take the time to help our students to understand how to be unpredictable, work through an emergency with dispatch: explaining directions, roads, and sections of property which helps on job preparations.

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